Variants of Competence-Based Derivations in CD Grammar Systems
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Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Jürgen Dassow, György Vaszil
Variants of Competence-Based Derivations in CD Grammar Systems
DLT, 2010.

DLT J 2008
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	author        = "Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú and Jürgen Dassow and György Vaszil",
	doi           = "10.1142/S0129054110007428",
	journal       = "{International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}",
	number        = 4,
	pages         = "549--569",
	publisher     = "{World Scientific}",
	title         = "{Variants of Competence-Based Derivations in CD Grammar Systems}",
	volume        = 21,
	year          = 2010,

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