Zhiming Zhou, Jiadong Liang, Yuxuan Song, Lantao Yu, Hongwei Wang, Weinan Zhang 0001, Yong Yu 0001, Zhihua Zhang
Lipschitz Generative Adversarial Nets
ICML, 2019.
author = "Zhiming Zhou and Jiadong Liang and Yuxuan Song and Lantao Yu and Hongwei Wang and Weinan Zhang 0001 and Yong Yu 0001 and Zhihua Zhang",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning}",
ee = "http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/zhou19c.html",
pages = "7584--7593",
publisher = "{PMLR}",
title = "{Lipschitz Generative Adversarial Nets}",
year = 2019,