Alexandros Koliousis, Pijika Watcharapichat, Matthias Weidlich, Luo Mai, Paolo Costa, Peter R. Pietzuch
Crossbow: Scaling Deep Learning with Small Batch Sizes on Multi-GPU Servers
VLDB, 2019.
author = "Alexandros Koliousis and Pijika Watcharapichat and Matthias Weidlich and Luo Mai and Paolo Costa and Peter R. Pietzuch",
doi = "10.14778/3342263.3342276",
ee = "",
journal = "{Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment}",
number = 11,
pages = "1399--1413",
title = "{Crossbow: Scaling Deep Learning with Small Batch Sizes on Multi-GPU Servers}",
volume = 12,
year = 2019,