Hanchao Ma, Morteza Alipour Langouri, Yinghui Wu, Fei Chiang, Jiaxing Pi
Ontology-based Entity Matching in Attributed Graphs
VLDB, 2019.
author = "Hanchao Ma and Morteza Alipour Langouri and Yinghui Wu and Fei Chiang and Jiaxing Pi",
doi = "10.14778/3339490.3339501",
ee = "http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol12/p1195-ma.pdf",
journal = "{Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment}",
number = 10,
pages = "1195--1207",
title = "{Ontology-based Entity Matching in Attributed Graphs}",
volume = 12,
year = 2019,