Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Romania
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
Z.Porkoláb I.Siroki Z.Szügyi N.Pataki
Talks about:
librari (2) metaprogram (1) templat (1) metastr (1) languag (1) generat (1) specif (1) parser (1) integr (1) domain (1)
Person: Ábel Sinkovics
DBLP: Sinkovics:=Aacute=bel
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CEFP-2013-PorkolabSS #c++ #domain-specific language #metaprogramming
- DSL in C++ Template Metaprogram (ZP, ÁS, IS), pp. 76–114.
- GPCE-2010-PorkolabS #domain-specific language #generative #integration #library #parsing
- Domain-specific language integration with compile-time parser generator library (ZP, ÁS), pp. 137–146.
- GTTSE-2009-SzugyiSPP #c++ #library #string
- C++ Metastring Library and Its Applications (ZS, ÁS, NP, ZP), pp. 461–480.