Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × South Korea
Collaborated with:
G.Vigna Y.Shoshitaishvili L.Invernizzi P.Payet C.Krügel
Talks about:
analysi (2) scale (2) larg (2) redirect (1) vulner (1) reward (1) execut (1) trade (1) secur (1) lucki (1)
Person: Adam Doupé
DBLP: Doup=eacute=:Adam
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SAC-2014-ShoshitaishviliIDV #analysis #scalability #security #trade-off
- Do you feel lucky?: a large-scale analysis of risk-rewards trade-offs in cyber security (YS, LI, AD, GV), pp. 1649–1656.
- SAC-2013-PayetDKV #analysis #execution #scalability
- EARs in the wild: large-scale analysis of execution after redirect vulnerabilities (PP, AD, CK, GV), pp. 1792–1799.