Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
Collaborated with:
R.Rouvoy L.Seinturier A.Rajan Muhammad Garba R.Bashroush A.Bourdon
Talks about:
energi (3) consumpt (2) softwar (2) multi (2) perspect (1) variabl (1) scalabl (1) pattern (1) optimis (1) monitor (1)
Person: Adel Noureddine
DBLP: Noureddine:Adel
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-NoureddineR #design pattern #energy #optimisation
- Optimising Energy Consumption of Design Patterns (AN, AR), pp. 623–626.
- SAC-2014-NoureddineRS #energy #library #testing
- Unit testing of energy consumption of software libraries (AN, RR, LS), pp. 1200–1205.
- ASE-2012-NoureddineBRS #energy #monitoring #runtime
- Runtime monitoring of software energy hotspots (AN, AB, RR, LS), pp. 160–169.
- WICSA-2016-GarbaNB #multi #named #scalability #variability
- MUSA: A Scalable Multi-touch and Multi-perspective Variability Management Tool (MG, AN, RB), pp. 299–302.