Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × South Africa
1 × USA
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
J.H.Andrews X.Xue S.Kakarla M.Sridharan D.J.Murdoch
Talks about:
test (3) measur (2) effect (2) mutat (2) statement (1) influenc (1) bayesian (1) suffici (1) softwar (1) coverag (1)
Person: Akbar Siami Namin
DBLP: Namin:Akbar_Siami
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- AdaEurope-2013-XueN
- Measuring the Odds of Statements Being Faulty (XX, ASN), pp. 109–126.
- ISSTA-2011-NaminK #testing #using
- The use of mutation in testing experiments and its sensitivity to external threats (ASN, SK), pp. 342–352.
- ICSE-2010-SridharanN #data analysis #re-engineering
- Bayesian methods for data analysis in software engineering (MS, ASN), pp. 477–478.
- ISSTA-2009-NaminA #effectiveness #testing
- The influence of size and coverage on test suite effectiveness (ASN, JHA), pp. 57–68.
- ICSE-2008-NaminAM #effectiveness
- Sufficient mutation operators for measuring test effectiveness (ASN, JHA, DJM), pp. 351–360.