Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Norway
1 × Singapore
Collaborated with:
E.M.Hahn L.Zhang S.Schewe L.Z.0001 Y.Feng Y.Li C.Eisentraut H.Hermanns J.Schuster Y.Chen M.Heizmann O.Lengál Yong Li 0031 M.Tsai
Talks about:
probabilist (3) algorithm (2) automata (2) program (2) checker (2) model (2) base (2) quotient (1) protocol (1) quantum (1)
Person: Andrea Turrini
DBLP: Turrini:Andrea
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- FM-2015-FengHTZ #model checking #named #protocol #quantum #source code
- QPMC: A Model Checker for Quantum Programs and Protocols (YF, EMH, AT, LZ), pp. 265–272.
- FM-2014-HahnLSTZ #model checking #named #probability
- iscasMc: A Web-Based Probabilistic Model Checker (EMH, YL, SS, AT, LZ), pp. 312–317.
- TACAS-2013-EisentrautHST0 #automaton #probability
- The Quest for Minimal Quotients for Probabilistic Automata (CE, HH, JS, AT, LZ), pp. 16–31.
- CAV-2016-HahnSTZ #algorithm #game studies #probability
- A Simple Algorithm for Solving Qualitative Probabilistic Parity Games (EMH, SS, AT, LZ0), pp. 291–311.
- PLDI-2018-ChenHLLTTZ #algorithm #termination
- Advanced automata-based algorithms for program termination checking (YFC, MH, OL, YL0, MHT, AT, LZ0), pp. 135–150.