Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.A.Evensky R.C.Armstrong L.J.Camp
Talks about:
distribut (2) scalabl (2) lilith (2) comput (2) framework (1) softwar (1) develop (1) execut (1) rapid (1) user (1)
Person: Ann C. Gentile
DBLP: Gentile:Ann_C=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HPDC-1998-GentileEA #agile #development #distributed #framework #named #scalability #tool support
- Lilith: A Software Framework for the Rapid Development of Scalable Tools for Distributed Computing (ACG, DAE, RCA), pp. 360–361.
- HPDC-1997-EvenskyGCA #distributed #execution #named #scalability
- Lilith: Scalable Execution of User Code for Distributed Computing (DAE, ACG, LJC, RCA), pp. 305–314.