Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Menasri C.Kermorvant J.Louradour L.Likforman-Sulem C.Mokbel
Talks about:
recognit (2) handwritten (1) handwrit (1) competit (1) variabl (1) context (1) system (1) letter (1) length (1) french (1)
Person: Anne-Laure Bianne-Bernard
DBLP: Bianne-Bernard:Anne=Laure
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DRR-2012-Bianne-BernardMLMK #modelling #recognition #word
- Variable length and context-dependent HMM letter form models for Arabic handwritten word recognition (ALBB, FM, LLS, CM, CK).
- DRR-2012-MenasriLBK #contest #recognition
- The A2iA French handwriting recognition system at the Rimes-ICDAR2011 competition (FM, JL, ALBB, CK).