Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Israel
1 × Jamaica
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
D.H.Akehurst M.A.Ameedeen A.Staikopoulos K.Okano J.T.Saxon I.S.Bajwa M.G.Lee R.Anane G.Howells M.Evans K.Anastasakis G.Georg I.Ray K.Harrison S.T.T.Ali C.I.Dalton A.P.Norman M.J.Evans W.G.J.Howells K.D.McDonald-Maier D.Draheim M.Horn I.Schulz G.Weber
Talks about:
model (7) transform (4) approach (3) data (3) uml (3) integr (2) driven (2) tra (2) ocl (2) constraint (1)
Person: Behzad Bordbar
DBLP: Bordbar:Behzad
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ECMFA-2015-SaxonBA #black box #model transformation
- Opening the Black-Box of Model Transformation (JTS, BB, DHA), pp. 171–186.
- EDOC-2012-HarrisonBADN #detection #framework #identification
- A Framework for Detecting Malware in Cloud by Identifying Symptoms (KH, BB, STTA, CID, APN), pp. 164–172.
- EDOC-2010-BajwaBL #constraints #generative #natural language #ocl #specification
- OCL Constraints Generation from Natural Language Specification (ISB, BB, MGL), pp. 204–213.
- ECMDA-FA-2009-AmeedeenBA #analysis #approach #modelling
- A Model Driven Approach to the Analysis of Timeliness Properties (MAA, BB, RA), pp. 221–236.
- EDOC-2008-AmeedeenB #approach #diagrams #modelling #petri net #sequence chart
- A Model Driven Approach to Represent Sequence Diagrams as Free Choice Petri Nets (MAA, BB), pp. 213–221.
- ECMDA-FA-2007-BordbarHES #model transformation
- Model Transformation from OWL-S to BPEL Via SiTra (BB, GH, ME, AS), pp. 43–58.
- MoDELS-2007-AnastasakisBGR #alloy #model transformation #named #uml
- UML2Alloy: A Challenging Model Transformation (KA, BB, GG, IR), pp. 436–450.
- MoDELS-2006-AkehurstBEHM #java #named
- SiTra: Simple Transformations in Java (DHA, BB, MJE, WGJH, KDMM), pp. 351–364.
- ECMDA-FA-2005-StaikopoulosB #case study #comparative #integration #metamodelling #uml #web #web service
- A Comparative Study of Metamodel Integration and Interoperability in UML and Web Services (AS, BB), pp. 145–159.
- MoDELS-2005-BordbarDHSW #data access #development #migration #modelling
- Integrated Model-Based Software Development, Data Access, and Data Migration (BB, DD, MH, IS, GW), pp. 382–396.
- FATES-2004-BordbarO #approach #formal method #realtime #testing
- Testing Deadlock-Freeness in Real-Time Systems: A Formal Approach (BB, KO), pp. 95–109.
- UML-2001-AkehurstB #modelling #ocl #on the #query #uml
- On Querying UML Data Models with OCL (DHA, BB), pp. 91–103.