Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.L.Pollock M.Tegtmeyer A.Danalis S.A.Shindo
Talks about:
analysi (3) impact (3) onlin (2) dynam (2) comparison (1) technolog (1) algorithm (1) influenc (1) increas (1) precis (1)
Person: Ben Breech
DBLP: Breech:Ben
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSM-2006-BreechTP #impact analysis #precise
- Integrating Influence Mechanisms into Impact Analysis for Increased Precision (BB, MT, LLP), pp. 55–65.
- CSMR-2005-BreechTP #algorithm #comparison #impact analysis #online
- A Comparison of Online and Dynamic Impact Analysis Algorithms (BB, MT, LLP), pp. 143–152.
- ICSM-2004-BreechDSP #compilation #impact analysis #online
- Online Impact Analysis via Dynamic Compilation Technology (BB, AD, SAS, LLP), pp. 453–457.