Travelled to:
2 × India
Collaborated with:
J.P.Gallagher J.F.Morales
Talks about:
claus (3) horn (3) automata (2) verif (2) tree (2) constraint (1) specialis (1) interpret (1) abstract (1) verifi (1)
Person: Bishoksan Kafle
DBLP: Kafle:Bishoksan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PEPM-2015-KafleG #constraints #horn clause #verification
- Constraint Specialisation in Horn Clause Verification (BK, JPG), pp. 85–90.
- VMCAI-2015-KafleG #horn clause #refinement #verification
- Tree Automata-Based Refinement with Application to Horn Clause Verification (BK, JPG), pp. 209–226.
- CAV-2016-KafleGM #abstract interpretation #automaton #finite #horn clause #named #using #verification
- Rahft: A Tool for Verifying Horn Clauses Using Abstract Interpretation and Finite Tree Automata (BK, JPG, JFM), pp. 261–268.