Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Denmark
1 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Colazzo G.Ghelli L.Pardini P.Manghi
Talks about:
type (4) xml (3) regular (2) express (2) linear (2) queri (2) membership (1) interleav (1) algorithm (1) project (1)
Person: Carlo Sartiani
DBLP: Sartiani:Carlo
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PPDP-2011-ColazzoS #complexity #precise #type inference #xquery
- Precision and complexity of XQuery type inference (DC, CS), pp. 89–100.
- CIKM-2009-ColazzoGPS #linear #regular expression #xml
- Linear inclusion for XML regular expression types (DC, GG, LP, CS), pp. 137–146.
- CIKM-2008-GhelliCS #linear #regular expression
- Linear time membership in a class of regular expressions with interleaving and counting (GG, DC, CS), pp. 389–398.
- PPDP-2006-ColazzoS #algorithm #performance #xml
- An efficient algorithm for XML type projection (DC, CS), pp. 51–60.
- ICFP-2004-ColazzoGMS #correctness #query #xml
- Types for path correctness of XML queries (DC, GG, PM, CS), pp. 126–137.