Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Japan
Collaborated with:
V.Wiels O.Laurent B.d'Ausbourg G.Durrieu P.Roché
Talks about:
system (2) valid (2) autom (2) methodolog (1) constraint (1) interfac (1) function (1) approach (1) process (1) generat (1)
Person: Christel Seguin
DBLP: Seguin:Christel
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ASE-2006-LaurentSW #automation #constraints #functional #generative #specification #testing
- A methodology for automated test generation guided by functional coverage constraints at specification level (OL, CS, VW), pp. 285–288.
- ICSE-1998-dAusbourgSDR #automation #process #user interface #validation
- Helping the Automated Validation Process of User Interfaces Systems (Bd, CS, GD, PR), pp. 219–228.
- FME-1996-SeguinW #approach #category theory #fault tolerance #logic #using #validation
- Using a Logical and Categorical Approach for the Validation of Fault-Tolerant Systems (CS, VW), pp. 347–366.