Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × Denmark
Collaborated with:
S.Chaudhuri S.C.Kontogiannis A.Papagelis M.Papagelis H.Djidjev G.E.Pantziou K.V.Subrahmanyam F.Wagner A.C.Kaporis C.Makris S.Sioutas A.K.Tsakalidis K.Tsichlas
Talks about:
shortest (2) network (2) distanc (2) comput (2) path (2) treewidth (1) interpol (1) revisit (1) digraph (1) toward (1)
Person: Christos D. Zaroliagis
DBLP: Zaroliagis:Christos_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICALP-v1-2014-KontogiannisZ #distance #network
- Distance Oracles for Time-Dependent Networks (SCK, CDZ), pp. 713–725.
- HT-2008-PapagelisPZ #named #navigation #online #social #towards
- Iclone: towards online social navigation (AP, MP, CDZ), pp. 237–238.
- ICALP-v1-2006-KaporisMSTTZ #revisited
- Dynamic Interpolation Search Revisited (ACK, CM, SS, AKT, KT, CDZ), pp. 382–394.
- ICALP-1998-ChaudhuriSWZ #network
- Computing Mimicking Networks (SC, KVS, FW, CDZ), pp. 556–567.
- ICALP-1995-ChaudhuriZ #graph #query
- Shortest Path Queries in Digraphs of Small Treewidth (SC, CDZ), pp. 244–255.
- ICALP-1991-DjidjevPZ #graph
- Computing Shortest Paths and Distances in Planar Graphs (HD, GEP, CDZ), pp. 327–338.