Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × Portugal
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Felleisen R.B.Findler S.Tobin-Hochstadt M.Wand S.Moore S.Chong R.Pucella B.Greenman M.Flatt D.King C.Flanagan Daniel Patterson 0001 Jamie Perconti A.Ahmed A.Takikawa T.S.Strickland Lukas Lazarek Alexis King Samanvitha Sundar C.Klein J.Clements C.Eastlund J.A.McCarthy J.Rafkind
Talks about:
contract (5) monitor (2) languag (2) gradual (2) complet (2) class (2) blame (2) type (2) lightweight (1) research (1)
Person: Christos Dimoulas
DBLP: Dimoulas:Christos
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- OSDI-2014-MooreDKC #named #scripting language
- SHILL: A Secure Shell Scripting Language (SM, CD, DK, SC), pp. 183–199.
- OOPSLA-2013-DimoulasFF #contract
- Option contracts (CD, RBF, MF), pp. 475–494.
- ESOP-2012-DimoulasTF #behaviour #contract #monitoring
- Complete Monitors for Behavioral Contracts (CD, STH, MF), pp. 214–233.
- OOPSLA-2012-TakikawaSDTF #type system
- Gradual typing for first-class classes (AT, TSS, CD, STH, MF), pp. 793–810.
- POPL-2012-KleinCDEFFMRTF #effectiveness #lightweight #research
- Run your research: on the effectiveness of lightweight mechanization (CK, JC, CD, CE, MF, MF, JAM, JR, STH, RBF), pp. 285–296.
- POPL-2011-DimoulasFFF #contract
- Correct blame for contracts: no more scapegoating (CD, RBF, CF, MF), pp. 215–226.
- PPDP-2009-DimoulasPF #contract
- Future contracts (CD, RP, MF), pp. 195–206.
- VMCAI-2009-DimoulasW #higher-order #problem
- The Higher-Order Aggregate Update Problem (CD, MW), pp. 44–58.
- OOPSLA-2016-MooreDFFC #contract #data access
- Extensible access control with authorization contracts (SM, CD, RBF, MF, SC), pp. 214–233.
- OOPSLA-2019-GreenmanFD #monitoring
- Complete monitors for gradual types (BG, MF, CD), p. 29.
- PLDI-2017-PattersonPDA #assembly #functional #named
- FunTAL: reasonably mixing a functional language with assembly (DP0, JP, CD, AA), pp. 495–509.
- POPL-2020-LazarekKSFD #question
- Does blame shifting work? (LL, AK, SS, RBF, CD), p. 29.