Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Hack J.Reineke G.Goos B.Boissinot B.D.d.Dinechin F.Rastello R.Geiß G.V.Batz A.Szalkowski R.Wilhelm S.Altmeyer C.Burguière J.Herter B.Wachter S.Wilhelm
Talks about:
fast (3) program (2) analysi (2) replac (2) time (2) form (2) ssa (2) interpret (1) algorithm (1) competit (1)
Person: Daniel Grund
DBLP: Grund:Daniel
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- VMCAI-2010-WilhelmABGHRWW #analysis #realtime
- Static Timing Analysis for Hard Real-Time Systems (RW, SA, CB, DG, JH, JR, BW, SW), pp. 3–22.
- SAS-2009-GrundR #abstract interpretation
- Abstract Interpretation of FIFO Replacement (DG, JR), pp. 120–136.
- CGO-2008-BoissinotHGDR #liveness #performance #source code
- Fast liveness checking for ssa-form programs (BB, SH, DG, BDdD, FR), pp. 35–44.
- LCTES-2008-ReinekeG #analysis #policy
- Relative competitive analysis of cache replacement policies (JR, DG), pp. 51–60.
- CC-2007-GrundH #algorithm #performance
- A Fast Cutting-Plane Algorithm for Optimal Coalescing (DG, SH), pp. 111–125.
- CC-2006-HackGG #source code
- Register Allocation for Programs in SSA-Form (SH, DG, GG), pp. 247–262.
- ICGT-2006-GeissBGHS #graph grammar #named #performance
- GrGen: A Fast SPO-Based Graph Rewriting Tool (RG, GVB, DG, SH, AS), pp. 383–397.