Collaborated with:
Burak Gunay Jean Duquette Zixiao Shi C.Yang Weiming Shen 0001
Talks about:
character (1) virtual (1) predict (1) inquiri (1) develop (1) chiller (1) method (1) failur (1) energi (1) boiler (1)
Person: Darwish Darwazeh
DBLP: Darwazeh:Darwish
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CASE-2019-DarwazehGD #development #energy
- Development of a virtual metering method for characterizing energy flows in air handling units (DD, BG, JD), pp. 24–29.
- CASE-2019-GunaySY0D #predict
- An inquiry into the predictability of failure events in chillers and boilers (BG, ZS, CY, WS0, DD), pp. 222–227.