Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
J.Lai M.Considine J.Ma F.Le A.Russo J.Lobo
Talks about:
comprehens (1) distribut (1) approach (1) synthet (1) analysi (1) speech (1) specif (1) execut (1) effect (1) declar (1)
Person: David Wood
DBLP: Wood:David
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICLP-J-2013-MaLWRL #analysis #approach #declarative #distributed #execution #specification
- A declarative approach to distributed computing: Specification, execution and analysis (JM, FL, DW, AR, JL), pp. 815–830.
- CHI-2000-LaiWC #speech
- The effect of task conditions on the comprehensibility of synthetic speech (JL, DW, MC), pp. 321–328.