Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Nakhaeizadeh B.Petzsche H.Spiegelberger U.Grimmer W.Heuser M.Wieczorek
Talks about:
warranti (2) industri (2) goodwil (2) environ (2) cost (2) statement (1) automobil (1) support (1) automot (1) analysi (1)
Person: Edgar Hotz
DBLP: Hotz:Edgar
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- KDD-2001-HotzGHNW #analysis #detection #industrial
- REVI-MINER, a KDD-environment for deviation detection and analysis of warranty and goodwill cost statements in automotive industry (EH, UG, WH, GN, MW), pp. 432–437.
- KDD-1999-HotzNPS #data mining #industrial #mining
- WAPS, a Data Mining Support Environment for the Planning of Warranty and Goodwill Costs in the Automobile Industry (EH, GN, BP, HS), pp. 417–419.