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Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
O.d.Moor L.J.Hendren P.Avgustinov O.Lhoták D.Sereni J.Tibble L.Augustsson H.Mansell K.F.Larsen S.Drape A.S.Christensen S.Kuzins C.Allan J.Lhoták B.Dufour C.Goard C.Verbrugge E.Bodden E.Hajiyev N.Ongkingco M.Verbaere
Talks about:
aspect (5) transform (4) program (4) trace (2) match (2) intermedi (1) increment (1) behaviour (1) variabl (1) paradis (1)

♂ Person: Ganesh Sittampalam

DBLP DBLP: Sittampalam:Ganesh

Facilitated 2 volumes:

LDTA 2005PrCo
LDTA 2004PrCo

Contributed to:

ICFP 20082008
FATES/RV 20062006
GPCE 20052005
OOPSLA 20052005
PLDI 20052005
OOPSLA 20042004
POPL 20042004
PPDP 20022002
FLOPS 19991999
AFP 19981998

Wrote 10 papers:

ICFP-2008-AugustssonMS #domain-specific language #embedded #haskell #named
Paradise: a two-stage DSL embedded in Haskell (LA, HM, GS), pp. 225–228.
FATES-RV-2006-AvgustinovBHHLMOSSTV #aspect-oriented #monitoring
Aspects for Trace Monitoring (PA, EB, EH, LJH, OL, OdM, NO, DS, GS, JT, MV), pp. 20–39.
GPCE-2005-AllanACHKLLMSST #aspectj #compilation #named
abc: The AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ (CA, PA, ASC, LJH, SK, JL, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 10–16.
OOPSLA-2005-AllanACHKLMSST #aspectj
Adding trace matching with free variables to AspectJ (CA, PA, ASC, LJH, SK, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 345–364.
PLDI-2005-AvgustinovCHKLLMSST #aspectj #optimisation
Optimising aspectJ (PA, ASC, LJH, SK, JL, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 117–128.
OOPSLA-2004-DufourGHMSV #aspectj #behaviour #source code
Measuring the dynamic behaviour of AspectJ programs (BD, CG, LJH, OdM, GS, CV), pp. 150–169.
POPL-2004-SittampalamML #execution #incremental #specification
Incremental execution of transformation specifications (GS, OdM, KFL), pp. 26–38.
PPDP-2002-DrapeMS #dot-net #logic programming #using
Transforming the .NET intermediate language using path logic programming (SD, OdM, GS), pp. 133–144.
FLOPS-1999-MoorS #higher-order #program transformation
Higher Order Matching for Program Transformation (OdM, GS), pp. 209–224.
AFP-1998-MoorS98 #program transformation
Generic Program Transformation (OdM, GS), pp. 116–149.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.