Collaborated with:
J.L.Borbinha H.Manguinhas N.Freire J.Penas B.Martins D.Reis J.Gil J.Luzio J.Machado
Talks about:
digmap (3) metadata (2) digitis (2) digit (2) work (2) map (2) interchang (1) framework (1) interfac (1) geograph (1)
Person: Gilberto Pedrosa
DBLP: Pedrosa:Gilberto
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ECDL-2009-MachadoPFMM #component #user interface #using
- User Interface for a Geo-Temporal Search Service Using DIGMAP Components (JM, GP, NF, BM, HM), pp. 483–486.
- ECDL-2009-ReisFMP #framework #metadata #named
- REPOX — A Framework for Metadata Interchange (DR, NF, HM, GP), pp. 479–480.
- ECDL-2008-PedrosaLMMB #library #metadata #named #reuse
- DIGMAP: A Digital Library Reusing Metadata of Old Maps and Enriching It with Geographic Information (GP, JL, HM, BM, JLB), pp. 434–435.
- ECDL-2007-BorbinhaPRLMGF #named
- DIGMAP — Discovering Our Past World with Digitised Maps (JLB, GP, DR, JL, BM, JG, NF), pp. 563–566.
- ECDL-2005-BorbinhaPP #flexibility #named
- ContentE: Flexible Publication of Digitised Works with METS (JLB, GP, JP), pp. 537–538.
- JCDL-2006-BorbinhaGPP
- The processing of digitized works (JLB, JG, GP, JP), pp. 103–104.