Collaborated with:
M.L.Nelson M.C.Weigle J.F.Brunelle M.Kelly S.Ainsworth A.Alsum
Talks about:
resourc (3) revolut (2) social (2) share (2) web (2) neighborhood (1) resurrect (1) disappear (1) memento (1) histori (1)
Person: Hany SalahEldeen
DBLP: SalahEldeen:Hany
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- JCDL-2014-BrunelleKSWN #impact analysis
- Not all mementos are created equal: Measuring the impact of missing resources (JFB, MK, HS, MCW, MLN), pp. 321–330.
- TPDL-2013-SalahEldeenN #social #using #web
- Resurrecting My Revolution — Using Social Link Neighborhood in Bringing Context to the Disappearing Web (HS, MLN), pp. 333–345.
- TPDL-2012-SalahEldeenN #how #question #social #social media
- Losing My Revolution: How Many Resources Shared on Social Media Have Been Lost? (HS, MLN), pp. 125–137.
- JCDL-2011-AinsworthASWN #how #question #web
- How much of the web is archived? (SA, AA, HS, MCW, MLN), pp. 133–136.
- JCDL-2013-SalahEldeenN #modelling #resource management
- Reading the correct history?: modeling temporal intention in resource sharing (HS, MLN), pp. 257–266.