Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
E.Petrank S.M.Blackburn H.Azatchi Y.Levanoni D.F.Bacon E.K.Kolodner V.T.Rajan
Talks about:
garbag (3) collector (2) collect (2) fli (2) prefetch (1) concurr (1) orient (1) improv (1) effici (1) sweep (1)
Person: Harel Paz
DBLP: Paz:Harel
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CC-2007-PazP #garbage collection #using
- Using Prefetching to Improve Reference-Counting Garbage Collectors (HP, EP), pp. 48–63.
- CC-2005-PazPB #concurrent #garbage collection
- Age-Oriented Concurrent Garbage Collection (HP, EP, SMB), pp. 121–136.
- CC-2005-PazPBKR #on the fly #performance
- An Efficient On-the-Fly Cycle Collection (HP, EP, DFB, EKK, VTR), pp. 156–171.
- OOPSLA-2003-AzatchiLPP #garbage collection #on the fly
- An on-the-fly mark and sweep garbage collector based on sliding views (HA, YL, HP, EP), pp. 269–281.