Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Vazirgiannis G.Tsatsaronis K.Nørvåg M.Eirinaki S.Torge M.Reimann M.Schröder M.Zschunke
Talks about:
semant (3) use (3) document (2) databas (2) relat (2) xml (2) taxonomi (1) process (1) manipul (1) generat (1)
Person: Iraklis Varlamis
DBLP: Varlamis:Iraklis
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIKM-2012-TsatsaronisVN #documentation #named #semantics #using
- SemaFor: semantic document indexing using semantic forests (GT, IV, KN), pp. 1692–1696.
- TPDL-2011-TsatsaronisVTRNSZ #graph #how #mining #modelling
- How to Become a Group Leader? or Modeling Author Types Based on Graph Mining (GT, IV, ST, MR, KN, MS, MZ), pp. 15–26.
- KDD-2003-EirinakiVV #named #personalisation #process #semantics #taxonomy #using #web
- SEWeP: using site semantics and a taxonomy to enhance the Web personalization process (ME, MV, IV), pp. 99–108.
- DocEng-2001-VarlamisV #database #documentation #generative #relational #using #xml
- Bridging XML-schema and relational databases: a system for generating and manipulating relational databases using valid XML documents (IV, MV), pp. 105–114.