Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Estonia
1 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Mounier J.Fernandez Y.Falcone R.Groz F.Duchene S.Rawat L.d.Bousquet F.Ouabdesselam N.Zuanon V.Darmaillacq
Talks about:
test (5) framework (2) softwar (2) network (2) specif (2) driven (2) detect (2) secur (2) model (2) xss (2)
Person: Jean-Luc Richier
DBLP: Richier:Jean=Luc
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- WCRE-2013-DucheneRRG #black box #data flow #detection #modelling #named
- LigRE: Reverse-engineering of control and data flow models for black-box XSS detection (FD, SR, JLR, RG), pp. 252–261.
- ICST-2012-DucheneGRR #detection #fuzzing #model inference #using
- XSS Vulnerability Detection Using Model Inference Assisted Evolutionary Fuzzing (FD, RG, SR, JLR), pp. 815–817.
- MBT-2008-FalconeMFR #java #named #testing
- j-POST: a Java Toolchain for Property-Oriented Software Testing (YF, LM, JCF, JLR), pp. 29–41.
- TestCom-FATES-2007-FalconeFMR #composition #framework #specification #testing
- A Compositional Testing Framework Driven by Partial Specifications (YF, JCF, LM, JLR), pp. 107–122.
- FATES-RV-2006-FalconeFMR #calculus #framework #network #policy #security
- A Test Calculus Framework Applied to Network Security Policies (YF, JCF, LM, JLR), pp. 55–69.
- TestCom-2006-DarmaillacqFGMR #generative #network #security #testing
- Test Generation for Network Security Rules (VD, JCF, RG, LM, JLR), pp. 341–356.
- ICSE-1999-BousquetORZ #named #testing
- Lutess: A Specification-Driven Testing Environment for Synchronous Software (LdB, FO, JLR, NZ), pp. 267–276.