Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Alonso H.Li C.Basu
Talks about:
acquisit (2) eport (2) adapt (2) part (2) implement (1) neighbor (1) nearest (1) search (1) lesson (1)
Person: Jeffrey A. Bloom
DBLP: Bloom:Jeffrey_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CIKM-2003-AlonsoBL #adaptation #implementation #lessons learnt
- Lessons from the implementation of an adaptive parts acquisition ePortal (RA, JAB, HL), pp. 169–171.
- KDD-2003-AlonsoBLB #adaptation #nearest neighbour
- An adaptive nearest neighbor search for a parts acquisition ePortal (RA, JAB, HL, CB), pp. 693–698.