Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Fischer R.McCall F.M.S.III B.Reeves K.Nakakoji G.Stahl T.Sumner P.R.Bennett P.S.D'Oronzio N.F.Wallace
Talks about:
design (2) evolutionari (1) increment (1) hypertext (1) support (1) graphic (1) environ (1) develop (1) context (1) reseed (1)
Person: Jonathan L. Ostwald
DBLP: Ostwald:Jonathan_L=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-1994-FischerMORS94a #design #development #incremental
- Seeding, evolutionary growth and reseeding: supporting the incremental development of design environments (GF, RM, JLO, BR, FMSI), pp. 292–298.
- INTERCHI-1993-FischerNOSS #design
- Embedding computer-based critics in the contexts of design (GF, KN, JLO, GS, TS), pp. 157–164.
- ECHT-1990-McCallBDOSW #hypermedia #named
- PHIDIAS: Integrating CAD Graphics into Dynamic Hypertext (RM, PRB, PSD, JLO, FMSI, NFW), pp. 152–165.