Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Zinner A.Kern T.Streichert J.Teich T.Gallner J.Seitz T.Waas
Talks about:
ethernet (2) network (2) automot (2) temperatur (1) synchron (1) accuraci (1) gateway (1) convent (1) between (1) realiz (1)
Person: Josef Nöbauer
DBLP: N=ouml=bauer:Josef
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DAC-2011-KernZSNT #network
- Accuracy of ethernet AVB time synchronization under varying temperature conditions for automotive networks (AK, HZ, TS, JN, JT), pp. 597–602.
- DAC-2011-ZinnerNGSW #network
- Application and realization of gateways between conventional automotive and IP/ethernet-based networks (HZ, JN, TG, JS, TW), pp. 1–6.