Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Agarwal L.Granowetter A.Gupta P.S.Wang S.Bressan C.H.Goh K.Fynn M.J.Jakobisiak H.B.Kon T.Lee S.E.Madnick T.Pena J.Qu A.W.Shum M.Siegel
Talks about:
nterchang (1) prototyp (1) courtesi (1) ontext (1) mediat (1) detect (1) amount (1) check (1) block (1) bank (1)
Person: Karim Hussein
DBLP: Hussein:Karim
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SIGMOD-1997-BressanGFJHKLMPQSS #prototype
- The COntext INterchange Mediator Prototype (SB, CHG, KF, MJJ, KH, HBK, TL, SEM, TP, JQ, AWS, MS), pp. 525–527.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-AgarwalGHGW #detection
- Detection of courtesy amount block on bank checks (AA, LG, KH, AG, PSPW), pp. 748–751.