Collaborated with:
A.Ardö D.Mladenic M.Grobelnik J.Moon D.Tudhope C.Jones B.Matthews B.Puzon M.L.Nielsen
Talks about:
subject (2) classif (2) autom (2) tag (2) discoveri (1) structur (1) metadata (1) approach (1) element (1) social (1)
Person: Koraljka Golub
DBLP: Golub:Koraljka
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ECDL-2006-GolubAMG #automation #classification
- Comparing and Combining Two Approaches to Automated Subject Classification of Text (KG, AA, DM, MG), pp. 467–470.
- ECDL-2005-GolubA #automation #classification #html #metadata
- Importance of HTML Structural Elements and Metadata in Automated Subject Classification (KG, AA), pp. 368–378.
- JCDL-2009-GolubMTJMPN #named #social
- EnTag: enhancing social tagging for discovery (KG, JM, DT, CJ, BM, BP, MLN), pp. 163–172.