Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Japan
1 × Russia
1 × Spain
1 × Turkey
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.A.Faruquie S.Negi A.Chalamalla G.Ramakrishnan M.K.Mohania M.Sachan D.Contractor S.Chaturvedi A.Majumdar N.Rajput K.Narang S.Nagar S.Mehta K.Dey V.Tyagi H.P.Karanam N.K.Ratha U.Nambiar G.Kothari K.H.Prasad S.Mukherjea P.Kankar B.Srivastava V.S.Batra P.V.Kamesam R.Kothari
Talks about:
identif (2) convers (2) social (2) inform (2) improv (2) discov (2) topic (2) model (2) larg (2) probabilist (1)
Person: L. Venkata Subramaniam
DBLP: Subramaniam:L=_Venkata
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- ECIR-2013-NarangNMSD #analysis #evolution #microblog #social #topic
- Discovery and Analysis of Evolving Topical Social Discussions on Unstructured Microblogs (KN, SN, SM, LVS, KD), pp. 545–556.
- ICPR-2012-TyagiKFSR #classification #identification
- Fusing biographical and biometric classifiers for improved person identification (VT, HPK, TAF, LVS, NKR), pp. 2351–2354.
- CIKM-2011-NambiarFSNR #realtime
- Discovering customer intent in real-time for streamlining service desk conversations (UN, TAF, LVS, SN, GR), pp. 1383–1388.
- CIKM-2011-SachanCFS #community #network #probability #social #topic
- Probabilistic model for discovering topic based communities in social networks (MS, DC, TAF, LVS), pp. 2349–2352.
- CIKM-2010-ChaturvediFSM #classification #scalability
- Estimating accuracy for text classification tasks on large unlabeled data (SC, TAF, LVS, MKM), pp. 889–898.
- ICPR-2010-KothariFSPM #standard
- Transfer of Supervision for Improved Address Standardization (GK, TAF, LVS, KHP, MKM), pp. 2178–2181.
- CIKM-2008-ChalamallaNSR #identification
- Identification of class specific discourse patterns (AC, SN, LVS, GR), pp. 1193–1202.
- CIKM-2008-FaruquieNCS #detection #information management
- Exploiting context to detect sensitive information in call center conversations (TAF, SN, AC, LVS), pp. 1513–1514.
- CIKM-2003-SubramaniamMKSBKK #evaluation #information management
- Information extraction from biomedical literature: methodology, evaluation and an application (LVS, SM, PK, BS, VSB, PVK, RK), pp. 410–417.
- ICPR-v3-2000-FaruquieMRS #modelling #recognition #scalability #speech #using
- Large Vocabulary Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using Active Shape Models (TAF, AM, NR, LVS), pp. 3110–3113.