Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Castelli C.Li J.R.Smith M.Prabaker S.Ding S.Zhao Q.Yuan X.Zhang R.Fu Y.Chang M.Lo
Talks about:
imag (3) techniqu (2) progress (2) retriev (2) spire (2) base (2) walkthrough (1) distribut (1) document (1) demonstr (1)
Person: Lawrence D. Bergman
DBLP: Bergman:Lawrence_D=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- RecSys-2008-DingZYZFB #collaboration #fault #predict #statistics
- Boosting collaborative filtering based on statistical prediction errors (SD, SZ, QY, XZ, RF, LDB), pp. 3–10.
- CHI-2006-PrabakerBC #authoring #documentation #evaluation #programming #using
- An evaluation of using programming by demonstration and guided walkthrough techniques for authoring and utilizing documentation (MP, LDB, VC), pp. 241–250.
- SIGMOD-2000-ChangBCLLS #linear #optimisation #query
- The Onion Technique: Indexing for Linear Optimization Queries (YCC, LDB, VC, CSL, MLL, JRS), pp. 391–402.
- SIGMOD-2000-LiBCS #image #named #retrieval
- SPIRE: A Progressive Content-Based Spatial Image Retrieval Engine (CSL, LDB, VC, JRS), p. 598.
- ECDL-1998-CastelliBLS #database #distributed #image #retrieval #video
- Search and Progressive Image Retrieval from Distributed Image/Video Databases: The SPIRE Project (VC, LDB, CSL, JRS), pp. 157–168.