Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.L.v.Nes H.Bouma R.W.Bennett T.Endo H.J.Strubbe D.R.Gentner
Talks about:
technolog (1) eindhoven (1) camouflag (1) research (1) interfac (1) institut (1) electron (1) univers (1) product (1) percept (1)
Person: Maddy D. Brouwer-Janse
DBLP: Brouwer-Janse:Maddy_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-1992-Brouwer-JanseBENSG #how #interface #question
- Interfaces for consumer products: how to camouflage the computer? (MDBJ, RWB, TE, FLvN, HJS, DRG), pp. 287–290.
- CHI-1992-NesBB #research
- The Institute for Perception Research IPO, a Joint Venture of Philips Electronics and Eindhoven University of Technology (FLvN, HB, MDBJ), pp. 575–576.