Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × Taiwan
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.D.Lins J.Fan G.Torreão D.M.d.Oliveira S.J.Simske G.d.F.P.e.Silva S.Banerjee D.M.Oliveira A.d.A.Formiga G.Dispoto E.Mariano P.Majewicz J.M.Silva S.Banergee A.Kuchibhotla G.P.e.Silva M.Q.Shaw P.Sá
Talks about:
document (7) imag (5) algorithm (3) warp (3) classifi (2) segment (2) text (2) nois (2) line (2) photograph (1)
Person: Marcelo Thielo
DBLP: Thielo:Marcelo
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICDAR-2013-OliveiraLTFT #algorithm #documentation #image #performance
- An Efficient Algorithm for Segmenting Warped Text-Lines in Document Images (DMO, RDL, GT, JF, MT), pp. 250–254.
- ICDAR-2011-MarianoLSFMT #documentation #image #multi
- Correcting Specular Noise in Multiple Images of Photographed Documents (EM, RDL, GdFPeS, JF, PM, MT), pp. 915–919.
- SAC-2011-FormigaLSDT #assessment #matrix #recognition #scalability
- An assessment of data matrix barcode recognition under scaling, rotation and cylindrical warping (AdAF, RDL, SJS, GD, MT), pp. 266–267.
- SAC-2011-OliveiraLTFT #algorithm #documentation #image
- A new algorithm for segmenting warped text-lines in document images (DMdO, RDL, GT, JF, MT), pp. 259–265.
- ICPR-2010-SilvaLSBKT #classification #documentation
- Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Front Interference in Color Documents with a Neural Classifier (GdFPeS, RDL, JMS, SB, AK, MT), pp. 2415–2419.
- SAC-2010-LinsBT #automation #detection #documentation #image
- Automatically detecting and classifying noises in document images (RDL, SB, MT), pp. 33–39.
- SAC-2010-LinsOTFT #algorithm #documentation
- A dewarping algorithm to compensate volume binding distortion in scanned documents (RDL, DMdO, GT, JF, MT), pp. 61–62.
- ICDAR-2009-LinsSSFSST #classification #documentation #image #quality
- Image Classification to Improve Printing Quality of Mixed-Type Documents (RDL, GPeS, SJS, JF, MQS, PS, MT), pp. 1106–1110.