Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × France
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
S.Kotoulas V.Lopez I.Matteucci M.Petrocchi R.Lloyd M.Stephenson P.Tommasi P.M.Aonghusa
Talks about:
data (3) agreement (1) approach (1) languag (1) coordin (1) control (1) integr (1) explor (1) urban (1) share (1)
Person: Marco Luca Sbodio
DBLP: Sbodio:Marco_Luca
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HT-2014-KotoulasLSSTA #approach #coordination #linked data #open data
- A linked data approach to care coordination (SK, VL, MLS, MS, PT, PMA), pp. 77–87.
- HT-2013-LopezKSL #integration
- Guided exploration and integration of urban data (VL, SK, MLS, RL), pp. 242–247.
- SAC-2010-MatteucciPS #named #natural language
- CNL4DSA: a controlled natural language for data sharing agreements (IM, MP, MLS), pp. 616–620.