Collaborated with:
J.Borkowski A.Smyk D.Kopanski L.Masko E.Laskowski I.D.Falco R.Olejnik U.Scafuri E.Tarantino
Talks about:
control (7) parallel (6) program (6) global (4) dynam (4) state (3) distribut (2) synchron (2) communic (2) monitor (2)
Person: Marek Tudruj
DBLP: Tudruj:Marek
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- PDP-2014-FalcoLOSTT #distributed #optimisation #source code
- Extremal Optimization with Guided State Changes in Load Balancing of Distributed Programs (IDF, EL, RO, US, ET, MT), pp. 228–231.
- PDP-2013-SmykT #algorithm #execution #framework #monitoring #search-based
- Genetic Algorithms Hierarchical Execution Control under a Global Application State Monitoring Infrastructure (AS, MT), pp. 16–23.
- PDP-2012-BorkowskiT #distributed #process #source code
- Global Control in Distributed Programs with Dynamic Process Membership (JB, MT), pp. 525–529.
- PDP-2008-BorkowskiT #adaptation #integration #parallel #performance
- Tuning the Efficiency of Parallel Adaptive Integration with Synchronizers (JB, MT), pp. 351–357.
- PDP-2007-BorkowskiKT #monitoring #parallel
- Global predicate monitoring applied for control of parallel irregular computations (JB, DK, MT), pp. 105–112.
- PDP-2007-TudrujM #clustering #communication #matrix #on the fly #parallel
- Dynamic SMP Clusters with Communication on the Fly in SoC Technology Applied for Medium-Grain Parallel Matrix Multiplication (MT, LM), pp. 270–277.
- PDP-2006-BorkowskiKT #grid #parallel #source code #using
- Application Control on Grid Using Predicates Defined on Global States of Co-Operating Parallel Programs (JB, DK, MT), pp. 248–255.
- PDP-2006-LaskowskiT #branch #configuration management #scheduling #source code
- Scheduling Programs with Conditional Branches for Look-Ahead Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems (EL, MT), pp. 211–218.
- PDP-2004-SmykT #parallel
- RDMA Control Support for Fine-Grain Parallel Computations (AS, MT), p. 208–?.
- PDP-2003-BorkowskiKT #implementation #parallel #source code
- Implementing Control in Parallel Programs by Synchronization-Driven Activation and Cancellation (JB, DK, MT), pp. 316–323.
- PDP-2003-TudrujM #clustering #communication #configuration management #execution #on the fly
- Communication on the Fly and Program Execution Control in a System of Dynamically Configurable SMP Clusters (MT, LM), pp. 67–74.