Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
Collaborated with:
J.M.Almeida M.A.Gonçalves F.Benevenuto C.P.Costa V.Almeida M.Mowbray
Talks about:
popular (2) foursquar (1) dissemin (1) predict (1) opinion (1) content (1) review (1) pollut (1) incent (1) impact (1)
Person: Marisa A. Vasconcelos
DBLP: Vasconcelos:Marisa_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SAC-2014-VasconcelosAG #code review #predict #what
- What makes your opinion popular?: predicting the popularity of micro-reviews in foursquare (MAV, JMA, MAG), pp. 598–603.
- SAC-2006-BenevenutoCVAAM
- Impact of peer incentives on the dissemination of polluted content (FB, CPC, MAV, VA, JMA, MM), pp. 1875–1879.