Collaborated with:
Roger Eglin Dan Pinchbeck Peter Howell Brett Stevens
Talks about:
game (3) phenomenolog (1) schematis (1) knowledg (1) theoret (1) disrupt (1) describ (1) ambient (1) ambienc (1) system (1)
Person: Mark Eyles
DBLP: Eyles:Mark
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DiGRA-2009-EylesE #game studies #using
- Using an RFID game to phenomenologically test a theoretical systemic model for describing ambient games (ME, RE).
- DiGRA-2011-EylesP
- Playful ambience (ME, DP).
- DiGRA-2014-HowellSE #component #game studies
- Disrupting the Player's Schematised Knowledge of Game Components (PH, BS, ME).