Collaborated with:
T.Blanke S.Dunn M.Bryant R.Palmer
Talks about:
librari (2) sourc (2) digit (2) crowd (2) experiment (1) ropodium (1) project (1) process (1) content (1) primit (1)
Person: Mark Hedges
DBLP: Hedges:Mark
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- TPDL-2013-DunnH #library
- Crowds and Content: Crowd-Sourcing Primitives for Digital Libraries (SD, MH), pp. 378–381.
- TPDL-2013-HedgesB #library #process
- Digital Libraries for Experimental Data: Capturing Process through Sheer Curation (MH, TB), pp. 108–119.
- ECDL-2010-BryantBHP #open source
- Open Source Historical OCR: The OCRopodium Project (MB, TB, MH, RP), pp. 522–525.