Collaborated with:
Gary B. Parker Bobby D. Bryant
Talks about:
control (4) xpilot (2) visual (2) agent (2) quak (2) backpropag (1) supervis (1) without (1) paramet (1) network (1)
Person: Matt Parker
DBLP: Parker:Matt
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CIG-2007-ParkerP #evolution #multi #network
- The Evolution of Multi-Layer Neural Networks for the Control of Xpilot Agents (MP, GBP), pp. 232–237.
- CIG-2007-ParkerP07a #evolution #parametricity
- Evolving Parameters for Xpilot Combat Agents (GBP, MP), pp. 238–243.
- CIG-2008-ParkerB #visual notation
- Visual control in quake II with a cyclic controller (MP, BDB), pp. 151–158.
- CIG-2009-ParkerB #visual notation
- Backpropagation without human supervision for visual control in Quake II (MP, BDB), pp. 287–293.