Travelled to:
1 × Egypt
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
D.Beneventano S.Bergamaschi F.Guerra S.Castano A.Corni R.Guidetti G.Malvezzi M.Melchiori
Talks about:
integr (2) inform (2) momi (2) demonstr (1) approach (1) project (1)
Person: Maurizio Vincini
DBLP: Vincini:Maurizio
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICEIS-v1-2001-BeneventanoBGV #approach #integration
- The MOMIS Approach to Information Integration (DB, SB, FG, MV), pp. 194–198.
- VLDB-2000-BeneventanoBCCGMMV #integration
- Information Integration: The MOMIS Project Demonstration (DB, SB, SC, AC, RG, GM, MM, MV), pp. 611–614.