Collaborated with:
Peter Denno Yishu Bai Jiachen Tu L.Zhang Liao Zhang
Talks about:
serial (3) line (3) exponenti (2) product (2) machin (2) bottleneck (1) transient (1) bernoulli (1) algorithm (1) synchron (1)
Person: Mengzhuo Yang
DBLP: Yang:Mengzhuo
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2018-YangZD #reliability
- Transients of Synchronous Serial Production Lines with Non-Exponential Reliability Machines (MY, LZ, PD), pp. 1507–1512.
- CASE-2019-BaiTYZD #algorithm #evaluation #exponential #finite #performance #robust
- An Accurate and Robust Algorithm for Performance Evaluation of Exponential Serial Lines with Finite Buffers (YB, JT, MY, LZ, PD), pp. 42–47.
- CASE-2019-TuBYZD
- Dynamic Bottleneck in Serial Production Lines with Bernoulli Machines (JT, YB, MY, LZ, PD), pp. 79–84.