Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Cunningham D.Grove B.Herta V.A.Saraswat O.Tardieu K.Kawachiya A.Iyengar H.Murata P.Kambadur A.Shinnar M.Vaziri K.Ishizaki T.Suganuma O.Gohda T.Inagaki A.Koseki K.Ogata M.Kawahito T.Yasue T.Ogasawara T.Onodera H.Komatsu T.Nakatani
Talks about:
platform (1) petascal (1) program (1) resili (1) failur (1) effici (1) effect (1) compil (1) optim (1) cross (1)
Person: Mikio Takeuchi
DBLP: Takeuchi:Mikio
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PPoPP-2014-CunninghamGHIKMSTT #performance #programming
- Resilient X10: efficient failure-aware programming (DC, DG, BH, AI, KK, HM, VAS, MT, OT), pp. 67–80.
- PPoPP-2014-TardieuHCGKSSTV
- X10 and APGAS at Petascale (OT, BH, DC, DG, PK, VAS, AS, MT, MV), pp. 53–66.
- OOPSLA-2003-IshizakiTKSGIKOKYOOKN #compilation #effectiveness #java #optimisation #platform
- Effectiveness of cross-platform optimizations for a java just-in-time compiler (KI, MT, KK, TS, OG, TI, AK, KO, MK, TY, TO, TO, HK, TN), pp. 187–204.