Collaborated with:
L.Birkedal K.Svendsen Amin Timany L.Stefanesco
Talks about:
relat (2) logic (2) encapsul (1) contextu (1) presenc (1) equival (1) concurr (1) higher (1) effect (1) state (1)
Person: Morten Krogh-Jespersen
DBLP: Krogh-Jespersen:Morten
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- POPL-2017-Krogh-Jespersen #concurrent #higher-order #logic #relational
- A relational model of types-and-effects in higher-order concurrent separation logic (MKJ, KS, LB), pp. 218–231.
- POPL-2018-TimanySKB #encapsulation #logic #monad #proving
- A logical relation for monadic encapsulation of state: proving contextual equivalences in the presence of runST (AT, LS, MKJ, LB), p. 28.