Collaborated with:
Mike Preuss Vanessa Volz Thomas Pfeiffer Marlene Beyer Aleksandr Agureikin Alexander Anokhin Christoph Laenger Felix Nolte Jonas Winterberg Marcel Renka Martin Rieger
Talks about:
integr (2) balanc (2) game (2) toolbox (1) process (1) studi (1) refin (1) case (1) rts (1)
Person: Nicolas Pflanzl
DBLP: Pflanzl:Nicolas
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CIG-2016-BeyerAALNWRRPPV #game studies #process
- An integrated process for game balancing (MB, AA, AA, CL, FN, JW, MR, MR, NP, MP, VV), pp. 1–8.
- CIG-2018-PreussPVP #case study #game studies #refinement
- Integrated Balancing of an RTS Game: Case Study and Toolbox Refinement (MP, TP, VV, NP), pp. 1–8.