Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
K.Kiyota S.Yamamoto M.Bulacu L.Schomaker T.Hikichi T.Yanai T.Sakurai B.T.Minh
Talks about:
system (5) person (5) japanes (3) charact (3) visual (3) text (3) recognit (2) improv (2) disabl (2) detect (2)
Person: Nobuo Ezaki
DBLP: Ezaki:Nobuo
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICDAR-2005-EzakiKMBS #detection
- Improved Text-Detection Methods for a Camera-based Text Reading System for Blind Persons (NE, KK, BTM, MB, LS), pp. 257–261.
- ICPR-v2-2004-EzakiBS #detection #image #towards #visual notation
- Text Detection from Natural Scene Images: Towards a System for Visually Impaired Persons (NE, MB, LS), pp. 683–686.
- ICPR-v4-2000-EzakiHYK
- A Pen-Based Japanese Character Input System for the Blind Person (NE, TH, SY, KK), pp. 4372–4375.
- ICPR-1998-KiyotaYEY #online #recognition #visual notation
- An improvement of on-line Japanese character recognition system for visually disabled persons (KK, TY, NE, SY), pp. 1752–1754.
- ICPR-1996-KiyotaYES #online #recognition #visual notation
- On-line Japanese character recognition system for visually disabled persons (KK, SY, NE, TS), pp. 210–214.