Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Croatia
1 × France
1 × Greece
3 × Poland
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Libkin M.Arenas M.Romero P.Muñoz L.E.Bertossi A.W.Lin R.Pichler S.Skritek M.Y.Vardi D.Figueira J.L.Reutter C.A.Hurtado P.T.Wood A.Poggi C.Sirangelo R.Fagin R.Alur K.Etessami N.Immerman
Talks about:
queri (8) logic (6) graph (4) word (4) approxim (2) pattern (2) languag (2) tempor (2) ration (2) effici (2)
Person: Pablo Barceló
DBLP: Barcel=oacute=:Pablo
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- PODS-2015-BarceloPS #approximate #evaluation #performance
- Efficient Evaluation and Approximation of Well-designed Pattern Trees (PB, RP, SS), pp. 131–144.
- LICS-CSL-2014-BarceloM #combinator #graph #logic #word
- Graph logics with rational relations: the role of word combinatorics (PB, PM), p. 10.
- PODS-2014-Barcelo0V #evaluation #query #question
- Does query evaluation tractability help query containment? (PB, MR, MYV), pp. 188–199.
- LICS-2012-BarceloFL #graph #logic #problem
- Graph Logics with Rational Relations and the Generalized Intersection Problem (PB, DF, LL), pp. 115–124.
- PODS-2012-BarceloLR #approximate #performance #query
- Efficient approximations of conjunctive queries (PB, LL, MR), pp. 249–260.
- PODS-2011-BarceloLR #graph #query
- Querying graph patterns (PB, LL, JLR), pp. 199–210.
- PODS-2010-BarceloHLW #query
- Expressive languages for path queries over graph-structured data (PB, CAH, LL, PTW), pp. 3–14.
- PODS-2009-BarceloLPS #modelling #query #xml
- XML with incomplete information: models, properties, and query answering (PB, LL, AP, CS), pp. 237–246.
- ICALP-2007-ArenasBL #automaton #fixpoint #regular expression #word
- Regular Languages of Nested Words: Fixed Points, Automata, and Synchronization (MA, PB, LL), pp. 888–900.
- LICS-2007-AlurABEIL #first-order #logic #word
- First-Order and Temporal Logics for Nested Words (RA, MA, PB, KE, NI, LL), pp. 151–160.
- LICS-2005-BarceloL #logic
- Temporal Logics over Unranked Trees (PB, LL), pp. 31–40.
- CSL-2004-ArenasBL #finite #game studies #locality #modelling
- Game-Based Notions of Locality Over Finite Models (MA, PB, LL), pp. 175–189.
- PODS-2004-ArenasBLF #consistency #query
- Locally Consistent Transformations and Query Answering in Data Exchange (MA, PB, RF, LL), pp. 229–240.
- PADL-2003-BarceloB #consistency #database #logic programming #query #source code
- Logic Programs for Querying Inconsistent Databases (PB, LEB), pp. 208–222.
- POPL-2016-LinB #equation #logic #string #towards #transducer #word
- String solving with word equations and transducers: towards a logic for analysing mutation XSS (AWL, PB), pp. 123–136.